
Search through all code

Every ServiceNow instance has an OOB page for codesearch:


It’s very useful, searches everywhere in your development codebase.

Get instance URL in server side scripting

Server URL is stored in following property.


Note 1: This property does not exists in the sys_properties table, but hard coded in javascript execution scope.

Note 2: The property may return an unpredictable value while running on the on-premise instances.

Auto-login to an instance with URL parameters

There is a possibility to login to the instance via the URL. You just pass you login name and password via URL paremeters like follows:


Just replace marked placeholders with your real data and you are good to go. But note: of course, this is a very unsecure way of logging in.

UI Macro: Context menu for a form header

Not an easy to find functionality is hidden in this UI macros. It is being loaded on every form and renders context menu: context_form_header

Working with g_list

Variable selectedSysIds will consist of sys_id`s of selected records. To be used from a UI Action (List).

var selectedSysIds = g_list.getChecked();

Manipulate URL from client script

Useful snippets for working with URL from a lient script

Redirect to a page with a form for creating a new record

var query = [
  "short_description=Created " + moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD")
var url = new GlideURL("");
url.addParam("sys_id", "-1");
url.addParam("sysparm_query", query);
window.location = url.getURL();

Encoded query

Most of the times its much easier to work with encoded query instead of builing a query with GlideRecord API:

var query = "category=Hardware^priority=1";
var gr = new GlideRecord("incident");

Encoded query is also useful for populating data to a GlideRecord object:

var query = "category=Hardware^priority=1";
gr = new GlideRecord('incident');

Using GSLog

GSlog is the best way to output log infos from ServiceNow server scripts. Consider this snippet to get started.

var logger = new global.GSLog('','My script');
logger.logDebug('Hello World');

ACL evaluates to false even though Admin override checked

Admins getting security constraints even though ACL has Admin override checked

Clone any record

Get all fields of a source record and clone into a new one

Redirect from record producer

How to redirect to another portal from record producer

Get a GlideRecord with a single line code

A simple code snippet for getting a GlideRecord