When editing an ACL record there is a flag “Advanced”
Wrong opinion: setting Advanced flag to false deactivates execution of script (field “Script”).
Correct information: Advanced flag only controls visibility of the Script field. There could be some code in the “Script” field that you don’t see, but it will be still executed.
Every ServiceNow instance has an OOB page for codesearch:
It’s very useful, searches everywhere in your development codebase.
Server URL is stored in following property.
gs.getProperty('glide.servlet.uri') Note 1: This property does not exists in the sys_properties table, but hard coded in javascript execution scope.
Note 2: The property may return an unpredictable value while running on the on-premise instances.
There is a possibility to login to the instance via the URL. You just pass you login name and password via URL paremeters like follows:
https://{INSTANCE_NAME}.service-now.com/login.do?user_name={USER_NAME}&sys_action=sysverb_login&user_password={PASSWORD} Just replace marked placeholders with your real data and you are good to go. But note: of course, this is a very unsecure way of logging in.
Useful snippets for working with URL from a lient script
Redirect to a page with a form for creating a new record var query = [ "active=true", "short_description=Created " + moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD") ].join("^"); var url = new GlideURL("incident.do"); url.addParam("sys_id", "-1"); url.addParam("sysparm_query", query); window.location = url.getURL();
Most of the times its much easier to work with encoded query instead of builing a query with GlideRecord API:
var query = "category=Hardware^priority=1"; var gr = new GlideRecord("incident"); gr.addEncodedQuery(query); gr.query(); Encoded query is also useful for populating data to a GlideRecord object:
var query = "category=Hardware^priority=1"; gr = new GlideRecord('incident'); gr.applyEncodedQuery(query); gr.insert();
GSlog is the best way to output log infos from ServiceNow server scripts. Consider this snippet to get started.
var logger = new global.GSLog('','My script'); logger.setLevel(global.GSLog.DEBUG); logger.includeTimestamp(); logger.logDebug('Hello World');